I call it a farm, but its only four acres and i'm starting off with an organic market garden. In the future i want to have a few animals and diversify in other ways. I plan to sell at local markets and restaurants, and will maybe start a veg box scheme... maybe a salad box scheme because that's what i'd like to specialise in.
For years i've been interested in permaculture design and regenerative agriculture. I'm also interested in health and the role that high-quality food plays in keeping us well and helping us recover if we do get ill. It's these interests that have inspired me take the leap and to start this business.
I'm funding this project with a small pension pot that I have accrued over the years. It's not much, so i'm having to develop the farm on a shoe-string and i'm constantly worried that i'm going to run out of money before i've even started.
So far, I've completed on the land on Westhay Moor. It's good quality arable land, but is subject to regular flooding.
I now have the reply to my pre-planning enquiry from Mendip District Council and have put in a planning application proper, so now I'm just waiting to see what happens next.
Update 15/1/18. There have been a few negative comments from some of the consulties. I have written explanatory notes which I hope will provide clarification and allay any concerns.
You can follow the application online if you wish at :-
Mendip district council/Business/Planning & building/Planning/Applications, comments & decisions
Next click the highlighted link 'planning search'
Then type Westhay moor drove into the search bar and its at the top of the list.
To view comments first press comments tab then consultee comments
I realise that no-one is likely to view this website at the moment, but if you are here and are interested in my project or my food, then do feel free to email me with thoughts, advice or questions. It would be great to have some feedback or info, especially from local people.
I will keep this section updated as and when things change.